The 28 Most Unusual Pets You Can Own - (2024)

Many of us love pets, but what are the most unusual pets you can own?
In this artcile we show you 28 of the most unusual pets that cna be your new family member.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Anteaters, tigers, foxes, and tarantulas are some of the legal and unusual pets you can own.
  • Theseexotic animals require special care and attention, such as a specific diet or a large enclosure.
  • Remember to look up if it’s legal to own the kind of pet you want in your town or state. Not all countries or states have the same laws for owning unusual and exotic pets.

The Most Unusual Pets You Can Own That Are Legal

The exotic and unusual pets you can own are many. They are even alot of cute ones.
You might be surprised to learn that there are severalexotic animals you can legally ownas pets.


An anteater is anodd petyou can have. They arelong and thin with a small head. They also have abig bushy tail. Their nose looks like a pipe! But the nose helps them eat ants and termites from logs or the ground.

Anteaters need lots of room to move around in your home or yard. You also have to live where it’s warm because they don’t like cold places. If you want a fun, different pet that not many others have, think about getting an anteater!


Tigers are one of the mostsurprising animalsthat can be legally owned as pets. These majestic creatures are known for their beauty and strength, but they requirespecial care and attention.

It is important to note that owning a tiger comes with a lot of responsibilities and challenges. Tigers need alarge amount of spaceto roam around, and they require aspecialized dietthat includes fresh meat.

In addition, properpermits and licensesare required to own a tiger as a pet in many places. Despite these requirements, some people are passionate about keeping tigers as companions due to theirunique natureandundeniable allure.


Foxes are one of the mostunusual petsthat you can legally own. They are known for theirintelligence and curiosity, making them fascinating companions. While they may require special care and attention, many people find foxes to be affectionate and playful.

It’s important to note that not all species of foxes can be kept as pets, so it’s essential to research which ones arelegal in your area. Additionally, foxesneed a large outdoor spaceto roam and explore, so they may not be suitable for small apartments or homes without a backyard.

If you’re looking for an unconventional pet that will keep you on your toes, a fox could be the perfect choice!


Tarantulas may seem creepy, but did you know that they can actually make interesting pets? These hairy spiders arelegal to ownin many places and can be a unique addition to your home.

Tarantulas come indifferent colors and sizes, making them fascinating creatures to observe. They arelow-maintenance petsthat don’t require much space or expensive equipment. With proper care, tarantulascan live for several years.

So if you’re looking for a pet that’s out of the ordinary, consider getting a tarantula!


Alligators are one of theunusual petsyou can legally own. They may not be your typical household companion, but some people find them fascinating. Alligators require special care and a large enclosure to mimic their natural habitat, which includesaccess to water for swimming.

These reptiles can grow quite large, so it’s important to haveproper permitsand knowledge about their needs before considering them as pets. While owning an alligator may seem exciting, it’s crucial to remember that they arewild animalswithspecific dietary and environmental requirements.


Kangaroos are one of the weirdest pets you can legally own. These fascinating animals are native to Australia and have becomepopular petsin recent years. Kangaroosrequire a lot of spaceto roam and hop around, so they’re best suited for people with large properties or farms.

They need aspecialized dietthat includes grasses, fruits, and vegetables. Kangaroos also needregular exerciseand mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. While owning a kangaroo may sound fun, it’s important to remember that they arewild animalsand require proper care and attention from experienced owners.


Llamas are unusual pets that can be legally owned in certain places. These unique creatures are known for theirlong necks and fluffy coats. Llamas aresocial animalsand can make interesting companions for those willing to care for them properly.

Theyrequire a spacious environmentand need to be kept with other llamas or similar animals, as they thrive in herds. Llamas also havespecific dietary needs, primarily consisting of grass, hay, and occasional supplements.

While owning a llama may not be common, it can be an exciting way to have a one-of-a-kind pet that will surely turn heads!


Skunks are one of theweirdest petsyou canlegally own. While it may seem surprising to have a skunk as a companion, they can actually makeinteresting and unique pets. Skunks are known for their distinct odor, but if they’redescented at a young age, this won’t be an issue.

They are intelligent creatures that can betrained like cats or dogs. Skunks need aproper dietand plenty of space to roam around. It’s important to note that not all states allow skunks as pets, so you’ll need to check your local laws before considering them as an option.


Porcupines are one of the weirdest pets you can legally own. These unique animals have acoat covered in sharp quills, which they use for defense. Despite their prickly appearance, porcupines can actually make surprising companions.

They are known for beingdocile and gentle creatureswhen properly cared for. Porcupines require special diets and an environment thatmimics their natural habitat, so it’s important to do thorough research before considering them as pets.

However, if you’re up for the challenge, owning a porcupine can be afascinating experiencethat sets you apart from traditional pet owners.

Boa Constrictor

A boa constrictor is anunusual but legal petthat some people choose to own. These large snakes are known for their ability to squeeze and constrict their prey. While they may seem intimidating, boa constrictors can actually make fascinating companions for the right owner.

Theyrequire a spacious enclosurewithproper heating and humidity levels, as well as adiet of appropriately sized rodents. Boa constrictors arenot venomousandcan be handled with care, making them an interesting choice for reptile enthusiasts looking for something a little different.


The cougar, also known as the mountain lion or puma, is one of the unusual pets that can be legally owned. Thesebig catsare native to North and South America and are known for their grace and agility.

While they may seem like a strange choice for a pet, some people have successfully raised cougars in domestic environments. Cougars requirelarge enclosureswith plenty of space to roam and exercise.

They need a diet consisting mainly of raw meat, which can be challenging to source and prepare. Additionally, cougars aresolitary animalsthat prefer their own company, so they may not bond closely with humans like dogs or cats do.


Sloths are truly fascinating creatures that can be legally owned as pets. Theseslow-moving animalshave captured the hearts of many animal lovers. Sloths are known for their leisurely pace and spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees.

They havelong clawsthat help them grip onto branches and navigate through the forest canopy. Sloths mainlyeat leaves, and their slow metabolism allows them to conserve energy. Despite their slow movement, sloths are great companions for those who appreciate a relaxed and calm presence in their lives.

Owning a sloth requires understanding their unique needs, such as providing asuitable enclosure with plenty of climbing opportunitiesand offering a specialized diet to ensure their health and well-being.


Bears are incredible creatures that you might not expect to see as pets, but it’s true! In some places, it’slegal to own a bearas a companion. These majestic animals can be quite large andrequire special care.

Theyneed spacious enclosuresto roam around andplenty of food to eat. Bears are known for theirstrength and intelligence, soproviding mental stimulationis important too. While owning a bear may sound exciting, it’s essential to remember that they’re wild animals and have specific needs that must be met in order for them to thrive in captivity.


Monkeys arefascinating and unusual petsthat some people legally own. These intelligent creatures can make entertaining and lively companions. From capuchin monkeys to squirrel monkeys, there arevarious species available for ownership.

Monkeys require special care, including a spacious enclosure with plenty of climbing opportunities. They also need a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and monkey chow.

Additionally, they thrive onsocial interaction and mental stimulation, so providing them with toys and companionship is essential for their well-being. However, it’s important to note that owning a monkey as a pet isnot suitable for everyonedue to the specialized care they require.


Hedgehogs are one of the unusual pets you can legally own. Thesesmall, spiky creaturesmake for interesting companions. Hedgehogs are known for theirunique appearance and prickly quillsthat serve as a defense mechanism.

They require aspecial diet of insectsand live in cages with plenty of space to explore. Hedgehogs arelow-maintenance pets, making them a suitable choice for those looking for an unconventional but easy-to-care-for animal companion.

Fennec Fox

The Fennec Fox is asmall, adorable creaturethat makes an unusual but legal pet. It is known for itslarge ears and expressive eyes. These foxes arenative to the Sahara Desert in Africaand have adapted to survive in harsh desert conditions.

As pets, they can be quite playful and social, forming strong bonds with their owners. Fennec foxesrequire special care, including aspecific dietand plenty of space to roam and play.

They are not recommended for first-time pet owners or those who live in apartments due to theirneed for outdoor exercise. Despite these challenges, owning a Fennec Fox can be arewarding experiencefor those who are willing to put in the time and effort to meet their unique needs.


Chinchillas are small, furry, and adorable pets that can make unusual companions. They are native to the Andes Mountains in South America and have become quite popular as pets in recent years.

Chinchillas require aspecific type of careto thrive in a home environment. Theirdiet consists mainly of fresh hay, pellets, and occasional treatslike dried fruits or vegetables.

These furry creatures also needregular dust bathsto keep their fur clean and healthy. Chinchillas are known for theirplayful natureand love to climb on different surfaces. They enjoy having toys, tunnels, and platforms in their cages to keep them entertained.

Overall, chinchillas can be great pets for those who are willing to provide them with the right care and attention they need.


Wallaroos are another unusual pet option that you can legally own. These animals are a cross between wallabies and kangaroos, making them unique companions. They have a similar appearance to kangaroos but are smaller in size, which makes them more suitable for home environments.

Wallaroos require ample outdoor space and specialized care, including a proper diet and regular exercise. They can be affectionate and interactive pets, but it’s important to ensure they receive the attention and care they need to thrive in a domestic setting.


The axolotl is a unique and fascinating creature that can be legally owned as a pet. Known for itsregenerative abilities, thisaquatic salamanderhas the ability to regrow lost limbs, making it an intriguing choice for animal lovers.

Axolotls are also relatively easy to care for, requiring a tank with clean water and atemperature between 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit

. Theyprimarily eat live or frozen foodsuch as worms, brine shrimp, and small fish.

With their distinctive appearance andlow maintenance needs, axolotls make an unusual but captivating companion for those looking to own a truly one-of-a-kind pet.


The kinkajou is aninteresting and unusual petthat some people choose to own. This small mammal isnative to Central and South America, known for itscuddly appearance and friendly demeanor.

Kinkajous are often compared to monkeys because of their long tails and agile movements. They have sharp claws, which they use for climbing trees in the wild. As pets, kinkajous require special care and attention due to their unique dietary needs and need for plenty of physical activity.

It’s important to note that owning a kinkajou may not be legal everywhere, so it’s crucial to check with local regulations before considering one as a pet.

Pot-Bellied Pig

Pot-Bellied Pigs are one of theunusual petsthat you can legally own. These adorable animals have become popular because they aresmall, intelligent, and affectionate. Despite their name, Pot-Bellied Pigs don’t actually have big bellies – that’s just a misconception.

They make great companions and can even be litter trained like cats! Pot-Bellied Pigs require a lot of space to roam around, so it’s important to provide them with ample room in your home or backyard.

While they may not be as common as dogs or cats, owning a Pot-Bellied Pig can be aunique and rewarding experiencefor animal lovers.

Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons areunique and fascinating petsthat you can legally own. They are reptiles known for theirspiky appearance and sociable nature. These small lizards make great companions because they arerelatively easy to care for.

Bearded dragonsrequire a habitat with the right temperature, lighting, and substrate. They mainly eat insects and vegetables, making it convenient to provide them with a balanced diet.

Bearded dragons also love to explore their surroundings and can be trained to interact with their owners. With proper care and attention, these interesting creatures can thrive in a home environment.

Sugar Glider

Sugar gliders are unusual pets that can make fascinating companions. Thesesmall, marsupial creaturesare native to Australia and possess a unique ability toglide through the airusing flaps of skin between their limbs.

Sugar gliders are known for their adorable appearance, with large eyes and soft fur. They form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy social interaction. As nocturnal animals, they are most active during the night and require aspecific diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, insects, and nectar.

Despite being legal to own in some places, sugar gliders requirespecialized care due to their specific needsfor proper health and well-being.


Capybaras are unusual pets that you can legally own. They are large rodents and happen to be the biggest in the world! These friendly creatures are native to South America and have a unique charm about them.

Capybaras aresocial animals, so they love being around people and other animals

. Theyenjoy swimming and soaking in water, making them great companions if you have a pond or pool.

Capybaras also have a calm demeanor and can be quite affectionate towards their owners. Just make sure you provide them with enough space to roam around because they need lots of room to explore and graze on grass.

Southern Tamandua

Southern Tamanduas are unique and fascinating animals that can belegally owned as pets. Thesesmall anteatershavelong snouts and sharp claws, which they use todig into ant nests and termite mounds.

They have a prehensile tail that helps them balance while climbing trees. Southern Tamanduas are native to Central and South America, but some people choose to keep them as exotic pets.

They require aspecialized diet of ants and termites, so it’s important for owners to provide the right food for their tamandua companions. These animals can also be potty trained like cats, making them easier to care for than other exotic pets.

Stick Insect

Stick insects are some of the most fascinating and unusual pets you can own. These incredible creatures, also known as walking sticks, aremasters of disguisewith theirlong, slender bodiesthat mimic twigs or branches.

They come invarious shapes and sizes, ranging from small to several inches long. Stick insects arelow maintenanceand relatively easy to care for, making them popular choices for those seeking unique companions.

They require asimple enclosurewith branches for climbing and leafy greens for food. Some species evenreproduce without the need for males! So if you’re looking to add an intriguing pet to your household, consider getting a stick insect – they’re sure to spark conversations and captivate everyone who sees them!


Turtles are aunique and fascinating choice for a pet. They come in many different species, like the red-eared slider and the box turtle. Turtles are known for theirhard shells that protect them from predators.

These creaturescan live for a long time, some even reaching over 100 years! Turtles require special care, such as providing them with a habitat that includes both water and land areas.

They alsoneed a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, and sometimes even insects. It’s important to research and understand the specific needs of the turtle species you choose before bringing one home as a pet.


Crocodiles are one of the most unconventional and fascinating pets you can legally own. These reptiles, known for their long snouts and sharp teeth, can be surprisingly great companions.

While they may not be cuddly like a dog or cat, crocodiles offer a unique and exciting ownership experience. It’s important to note that owning a crocodile requiresspecial permitsandextensive knowledgeabout their care requirements.

Crocodiles needlarge enclosures with access to water, as they are semi-aquatic creatures. They also require aspecialized diet consisting of meat, such as fish or poultry. Despite the challenges of owning a crocodile, it can be an incredible and rewarding experience for those who have the resources and dedication to properly care for these amazing creatures.


In conclusion, owning a pet doesn’t have to be limited to cats and dogs. There are plenty of legal options for those looking for something more unconventional. Fromanteaters and tigerstohedgehogs and chinchillas, theseweird but legal petscan makesurprising companionsand add excitement to your household.

So if you’re ready for aunique and fascinating pet experience, consider exploring theworld of unusual animalsthat can legally be owned as pets!


1. What are some examples of unusual pets that you can legally own?

Some examples of unusual pets that you can legally own include hedgehogs, sugar gliders, reptiles like bearded dragons or ball pythons, and even certain types of small monkeys.

2. Are these unusual pets suitable for everyone?

No, these unusual pets may not be suitable for everyone as they require special care and attention. It’s important to research their specific needs before considering them as companions.

3. Can I keep any type of exotic animal as a pet?

No, not all exotic animals can be kept as pets. Some species may pose risks to human safety or have specific habitat requirements that cannot be met in a domestic setting.

4. What should I consider before owning an unusual pet?

Before owning an unusual pet, you should consider factors such as your lifestyle, time commitment required for their care, the availability of specialized veterinary care, and whether or not it is legal to own them in your area.

The 28 Most Unusual Pets You Can Own - (2024)
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