Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (2024)

Last updated on Jan 10, 2024 at 09:00by Deadset58 comments

Welcome to our Wizard leveling guide, where we give you an efficientbuild for easily leveling to Level 70, with plenty of explanations.

This guide is part of our Wizard Seasonal ProgressGuide, which also includes early builds for fresh 70 characters.


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Leveling 1-70 Build

Active Skills
Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (1)Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (2)DisintegrateWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (3) ConvergenceWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (4)Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (5)TeleportWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (6) Wormhole1Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (7)Explosive BlastWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (8) Flash2Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (9)Magic WeaponWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (10) Force Weapon3Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (11)FamiliarWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (12) Sparkflint4Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (13)Storm ArmorWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (14) Power of the Storm
Passive Skills

Note that while the skills and runes recommended in the build arespecifically chosen to be available at an early level and remain a solid pickthroughout the leveling and early character progression, you will have totemporarily work with other skills as the build gradually unlocks. Tofamiliarize yourself with the class, experimentation is stronglyencouraged.

Activate all your passive bonuses (Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (19) Magic Weapon, Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (20) Familiar,Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (21) Storm Armor), and be mindful of their duration — they all expireafter 10 minutes, so make a point to refresh them in between runs. UseWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (22) Teleport to reach, reposition in, or simply avoid fights. Channelyou main damage ability (either Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (23) Ray of Frost, Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (24) Disintegrate orWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (25) Arcane Torrent — read below). Use your utility skill (a generator,Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (26) Frost Nova or Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (27) Explosive Blast) when Arcane Power runs low, ormonsters get within reach.


Skills, Runes, and Passives

The basis of every build lies in its chosen damage dealing skills. As theyinvariably require resource or cooldown management mechanics of some sort, andsuch are scarce for low level and less geared characters, you will focus on onedamage dealing ability early on. The typical early game build will feature adominant damage dealer, a mobility skill, buffs and/or shields, and resourcegenerators (either active or passive). The recommended split is:

  • Slot 1 — Damage dealing ability: Without specific legendariesor sets to support his costly nukes, and armed with mostly sub-par primaryabilities, the Wizard does best with channeled DPS skills. You acquireWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (28) Ray of Frost at level 2 and can further reduce its channeling cost withthe Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (29) Cold Blood rune at level 7. Once you hit level 21, immediately switchover to Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (30) Disintegrate, as it pierces through enemies (an effectWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (31) Ray of Frost can only acquire from Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (32) Light of Grace.) At level 26, youwill unlock Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (33) Convergence, whose wider beam will serve you better than anyhigher level rune (except for Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (34) Entropy, which sadly puts you in meleerange — dangerous for unequipped heroes). You can stay onWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (35) Convergence for the remainder of your leveling, or deviate intoWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (36) Arcane Torrent at level 49, when you acquire the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (37) Static Dischargerune; an amazing tool for AoE destruction, whose missiles explode into additionalbolts, covering a wide area.
  • Slot 2 — Mobility skill: Wizards' bread and butter mobilityskill is Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (38) Teleport; slot it immediately upon reaching level 22. Foradditional safety, you can add the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (39) Safe Passage rune to it at level 26,but it is advisable to switch to the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (40) Wormhole rune at level 31 and stickto it for the remainder of your leveling due to its superior mobility.
  • Slots 3 and 4 — Buffs: As mentioned before, a significantportion of your build is meant to support your damage dealing ability. At first,you will do so with Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (41) Magic Weapon, whose 10% additive damage increase willbe absorbed into the build at level 20 (you will bump it up to 20% at level 35with the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (42) Force Weapon rune). At level 22, you will be able to summon aWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (43) Familiar, bringing some negligible DPS of his own, but also boostingyour DPS from the rune Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (44) Sparkflint at level 30. Note that if you strugglewith Arcane Power management (which you should not), you can consider swappingto the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (45) Arcanot rune at level 50.
  • Slot 5 — Shield: While Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (46) Ice Armor unlocks as early aslevel 14, it is deemed too defensive for leveling and low difficulties, and youshould switch to Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (47) Storm Armor at first opportunity, level 17. Not onlywill it bring a small damage proc of its own, but it will also reduce yourArcane Power costs through the Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (48) Power of the Storm rune, unlocked at level33.
  • Slot 6 — Utility: Your sixth and final slot is less clearlydefined than the rest, and you are free to experiment and find something to yourliking. The general recommendation is to take something that does not interruptWizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (49) Disintegrate channeling. Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (50) Frost Nova is one of your options andoffers defensive utility, with some great late runes like Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (51) Bone Chill atlevel 51. Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (52) Explosive Blast is the offensive option, adding some some meleerange DPS if anything gets close. As early game characters often lack elementalbonuses on gear, Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (53) Flash will offer the best damage persecond. Finally, you can take Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (54) Archon for a taste of ultimate power— you are guaranteed to decimate everything while it is up, but beprepared to wait close to its full 2-minute downtime on an early gamecharacter.
  • Passives: Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (55) Power Hungry is a multiplicative damage increase forlong range builds, which an early Disintegrate Wizard should strive to be.Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (56) Astral Presence will ease your Arcane Power management in thisgenerator-less build. Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (57) Illusionist is a utility-packed passive that willspeed you up and reset your Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (58) Teleports. Late during leveling, youshould add Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (59) Unwavering Will due to its synergy with channeling builds. Atany point that you feel threatened, feel free to replace Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (60) Illusionistwith the cheat death passive Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (61) Unstable Anomaly.


Gear and Stats Priorities

As the leveling process in Diablo 3 is relatively quick, specific legendaryrecommendations are impossible. During leveling finding upgrades is frequent, soyour gear will be swapped in and out within the span of a few minutes. Followingthe in-game comparison system and the stat priorities outlined in the tablebelow will result in a solid character throughout the leveling journey.

The table below is meant to point you in a general correct direction and isby no means indicative of the exact rolls you want to go for. They can varygreatly from build to build and it is always preferable to refer to ourexact guide page. If you simply use the rolls below however, and roll for skilldamage on the applicable pieces:

Wherever it says 'Elemental damage', match it to the rune of your damagingskill of choice. You will come out with a functional spec, and probably not toofar off from what we would recommend in a dedicated build!

SlotStat Priority
  1. Intelligence
  2. Socket
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Vitality or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  3. Vitality
  4. Area Damage
  1. Intelligence
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Elite Damage Reduction or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Elemental Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Vitality or Life per Hit
  1. Intelligence
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Life %
  4. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. Armor or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Intelligence
  2. Vitality
  3. Armor
  4. All Resistance or Skill Damage (see above)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Elemental Damage
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Area Damage
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Socket (preferably from Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (78) Ramaladni's Gift)
  4. Area Damage
  1. High Damage Range
  2. Intelligence
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Skill Damage
  5. Arcane Power on Crit or Elite Damage Increase

Note that skill damage and elemental damage recommendations only apply if themajority of your damage is done through that skill or element. For altcharacters however, sockets take priority above all other attributes, since youcan slot high level gems and benefit massively from their stat increase. Forthe purposes of an alt character, leveling a Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (79) Gem of Ease to level 25 andsocketing it in a level 70 weapon will be the single biggest boost you canprovide to the leveling process.



  • 10 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Season 30.
  • 15 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Season 29.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Reviewed for Season 28.
  • 10 Dec. 2021: Reviewed for Season 25.
  • 23 Jul. 2021: Reviewed for Season 24.
  • 02 Apr. 2021: Reviewed for Season 23.
  • 13 Mar. 2020: Reviewed for Season 20.
  • 22 Nov. 2019: Page added.

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Wizard Leveling Build Guide (Patch 2.7.7 / Season 31) (2024)
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